

July 2012

 This was our first outing with five kids.  We dared to take them up to Heber City to see our goats that we sold in October of 2011.  I think Alison was about two and a half weeks.  I don't much care for my post pregnancy belly in the picture below, but it is what it is.  haha.  They were so cute and Brian was amazing.  He is such a good dad.  And the goats didn't seem to miss us at all!  What gives.

 I like pictures like this right now because it shows me that I have had time with Alison.  So many times I feel like I can't just enjoy her and hold her all day.  There are just so may other things that need to be done.  I think the whole "house wives do nothing" misconception started when people started asking moms what they do.  Guess what, you do so much that you don't even have time or brain power to organize an answer to that question!  Craziness.
 This was Jack's birthday!  How I love Jack.  For each of our kids birthdays they get a date with mom and dad.  I love this alone time we get to spend with them.  Jack insisted on getting crab for his birthday dinner.  He love anything marine.  He was adorable trying to break the crab. 

 Ella looks so tiny here, but slightly sweeter....haha.
 Look how cute Alison is!  I seriously can't stand it.  I could look at newborn pictures of her all day. And she's taking a bottle there?  She won't do that know!  I should show her this picture to plead my cause of wanting to be done nursing.
 Eve.  So pretty.  That hair that is no more.  That will be in a future post I'm sure.
 So little! 

Sweet Brian.  Father of five crazy kids.  Four of them in five years.  It takes a strong man to come out of that with some sanity!  Love him.

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