

Pine Wood Derby Part I

Brian and Heber have been working on Heber's pine wood derby over the last few weeks.  I must say, Brian has been having Heber do everything he can.  He is making sure he knows the physics of everything behind what they are doing and learning the skills of making a car. 

I can't even begin to say what a gift it is to have such a sweet husband who takes time to create these memories with my son.  Priceless. 

Tonight is the actual race and we'll see how that goes.  It should be fun and a good time.  They did their best and I think the time they spent together was winning enough.

On Tuesday night they had their weigh in and left their cars at the cub master's house.  While they were there the cub master's wife said, "Heber, a lot of the boys have been naming their cars.  Do you want to name yours?"  

He thought about it for a second and said, "The Flamer." (because of the flame we put on the back of the car) :)   She grinned and Brian laughed. 

We will keep you posted on how The Flamer does tonight.

1 comment:

Christensen family said...

Ha Ha Ha, the Flamer! Heber is a great kid!