Elizabeth Davies Jensen We didn't do Santa when I was a kid. I have never been very good at it and Mike is always having to give me hints.
Casey Proctor Christensen Just use Santa as a good example, that is what we do. We still focus on Jesus as the real reason for the season, but Santa can be fun.
Christine Smith We include Santa into our festivities he is not the focus. We focus on generosity and giving which is what Santa does
Michelle Proctor Jones I like the example thing too. It's sweet. But trying to get them to believe it bugs me. Add that to the teaching in the maturation program. "Being an adult kinda sucks..... oh and Santa isn't real." I think kids these days have enough hurdles. We don't need to make another one up. Just my less than humble opinion. Haha.
Taniel Proctor scrooge wink emoticon
Jared Paul Hurtado What could possibly be wrong with a hefty stranger in red that breaks into your house, eats your food, and leaves things after you sit on his lap and tell him what you want. Seems reasonable.
Michelle Proctor Jones I tell them if they ask and I tell them its a fun game to play. I also tell them he's a symbol of goodness.
Jacob Proctor Didn't you have a tragic accident as a kid that had something to do with a ceramic Santa? Maybe that has something to do with it? wink emoticon
Michelle Proctor Jones They always say yes. I'm guessing they just think it's part of the game... like asking if they are excited for presents. But my six year old totally believes because he learns it so much at school too. I don't try to sabotage it if they are having fun. I just don't encourage it and I'm honest with them if they ask me.
Christine Smith I'm honest when they ask but we also have the mantra if you believe you receive. Basically we don't go anywhere with the older one, we try to keep the magic for the little ones
Elizabeth Davies Jensen It bothers me to try to teach them to believe in something that's not real but I was a little sad as a child to not have Santa when my friends did.
Michelle Proctor Jones Yeah, I think Jack is sad we don't have an elf. But I try to make up for it with other fun traditions.
Christine Smith We only have the elf because my sister ini law sent it as a gift. I came across a blog today that they teach the elf the goodness of Christ (he does naughty things they teach him and learn forgiveness as they pick up his mess)
Jodi Christiansen Goodwin We don't have an elf, nor will we ever! I did see an article about an elf that had service ideas for the kids to do everyday. I'd be more likely to do that. But there's already so much to do at Christmas time.
Angelyn Brown Sears Instead of the elf we have the fisher price wise men that are hiding in different places in the house each day looking for the baby Jesus. They will find him on Christmas morning. This is our first year doing this and we have had a blast!
Melanie Poulsen Santa brings 1 small gift for each of our kids and fills the stockings. I made a big Santa bag that we put it in. We get the rest of the credit since we do all the buying and work.
Colleen Connolly Melanie that's how we did it too. Let santa being socks and we gave the good stuff. Ha ha
Britta Marie Peterson Thank you, Michelle! My 4 year-old asked me yesterday if Santa was dead. I totally didn't know what to say. We've had conversations about St. Nicolas so I said he lived a long time ago and he died, but people still help him give to people who need it at the holidays. I don't think she was totally satisfied, but I've never really been big on the Santa schpeal either. She's getting a lot of it from school, though.
Scott Proctor Michelle, if he isn't real who was that on the Ham radio on Christmas Eve when you were a kid?
Scott Proctor Santa is a good example. Turns out you can serve God and Mammon.
Don't you remember sitting on Santa's lap at Temple Square? smile emoticon
Don't you remember sitting on Santa's lap at Temple Square? smile emoticon
Mark-Angee Duvall Good for you. And see, I'm on the other end. (Sounds like I'm the minority here. Can I express this without having everyone hate me?) I feel like kids only get a small amount of time to celebrate and enjoy the magic of childhood. I've discovered it la...See More
Michelle Proctor Jones I figured out why I'm having such a struggle with Santa this year. This year we have seen real magic in abundance. From getting just enough strength to take care of my family while my cartilage was torn to bits for six months, to not having cancer, and even a month ago when we didn't think we would have anything for our kids for Christmas and we knelt in prayer as a family asking for work and money to pay for everything. And literally within hours we received more work from different sources and enough to pay bills and give our kids a wonderful Christmas. That is real magic. I've seen too much of it this year to pretend Santa holds a candle to the real magic and good example that Jesus Christ has given us.
Christine Smith Michelle Proctor Jones your last post just summed it all up! We miss you guys so much
Amber Walker Allen Cooper (9 yrs) told me he didn't want to sit on Santa's lap when I asked why (thinking he didn't believe anymore) he says, Mom Santa is Creepy! the way he gets up in your face and says HOHOHO all loud!
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