

Apple Core! Baltimore!

Heber had some money burning a hole in his pocket from his birthday. Granted, he couldn't spend his money on anything until we found his new jacket just in case he needed to buy his own new jacket with his birthday money. But alas, we found his jacket, he had $26, and we were heading to Costco.

There isn't a whole lot a kid can buy there for $26, but Heber did find what he wanted. He bought himself an apple tree. So cute. He wanted to buy it sooo bad! We kept telling him to save his money for something else and felt kind of guilty for making him buy a fruit tree for our yard. We did agree that it was money well spent and Heber is such a great helper in the garden and is very interested in plants and things anyway. Its a great birthday present for him.

He was able to pick out what kind of tree he wanted and he spent 15 dollars on an apple tree.

Here are some pictures of him planting his tree:

He kept telling Jack to get in the hole to see how much deeper he had to dig. haha.

He dug the hole almost completely by himself. Such a great boy.


Christensen family said...

So cute!

Isaac and Taniel said...

I love that heber bought a tree with his money. He is one cute boy.

WOLF-PACK said...

My kids love picking out and watching their own trees grow and produce fruit. They were sad when we had to leave them behind at the old house. They ask to drive by to see how big their trees are.

The Mehr Family said...

How cute! :o)