

Jack Funnies

Setting: Jack and Brian in the kitchen. Jack asks Brian to do something....

Brian: Nah, that's not really my style.

Jack: Your style is old.

Wow! Did our 4 year old really just tell us that our hip young style is old?! We aren't that old yet are we?! haha. So great.

Another setting: At the dinner table struggling to get the kids to eat the DELICIOUS zupa toscana soup I made. (I didn't have a problem eating it....I think I ate five bowls. Love that soup.)

Brian: Jack eat your soup. I'm going to count to three.

Jack: Maybe four?

hahahah. He said it in such a sweet, pleading voice. haha. Okay Jack, we will let you have one more second. haha. Brian and I both just busted up at that one. Such a funny kid.

1 comment:

Isaac and Taniel said...

That kid is hilarious. We sure love him.